I think I am coming down with another bout of triathlon fever.
The Lake Stevens 70.3 was this last weekend and that is the 70.3 I'm planning on racing next summer (registration opens next week). I've read a few race reports and it seems like it was a great race. I'm so excited again! My goal for my next 70.3 is going to be sub-6 hours and I think I can do it. I know running is my weakest point, so I will work on that. But the bike course is faster than Kansas, so that will help my overall time since biking is my strength.
I may only get to do 2 more races this summer. The Midwest Meltdown can't use the park they typically use due to county budget cuts. So as of now it doesn't have a venue, but it sounds like the race organizers are confident it will still be held.
This morning I decided to set some time goals for the races I plan on doing. I can't help it - I get fixated on racing and I can't think about anything else. True sign of a junkie, I guess.
For the Jackson County Tri, I'm hoping for 2:35, which breaks down to Swim: 2:10/100yd, Bike: 18 mph, Run: 9 min/mile and about 1:30 per transition. I was a little conservative on the bike and run, so hopefully I'll be under my 2:35 goal.
For the Midwest Meltdown (?) 1:35. Swim : 2:08/100 yd, Bike 18.3 mph, Run: 9 min/mile and 1:30 per transition. This one I think I can definitely do well since it's so short, I'm strong in the hills (and everything here is hilly), and last year's times weren't that impressive. An age-group place wouldn't be out of the question, but that's assuming the race is held.
For the Johnson County Women's Tri - 1:12. Same paces as the Midewest Meltdown, it's just shorter. This is the first year it's being held, so I have no previous times to compare to, but it's another hilly course and I ride by the park where this one is held. I'm not a big fan of the women's-only races, but I want to kick some butt.
DH just signed up for his first ultra-marathon on a trail. I'm going to do all of my LSD runs with him on the trails, which is also a great hill workout. Again, I know running is my weak spot so I'm going to focus on some serious long and hilly runs and speed work or tempo runs every week. I slacked on the speed work before the 1/2 since I didn't think it would make much of a difference. We will see where I'm at in a month or so.
Oh yeah, the Tornado Alley 110 is this weekend and I think my little brother is going to die. But I'll save all of that for a post-ride report. It should be entertaining to say the least. I'm thinking I may get a good picture out of this for our Christams card. :)
1 day ago
Those are great goals for your upcoming races.
Training with J will help ya with running. Good luck in the ride this weekend!
Hey, of course I don't mind you link me through your blog.
I did that with yours... with out even asking.. Ooooopss... :)
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