They can't all be good
Taking a Break
This morning KM and I did a cold run with 3 x 0.5 mile intervals. So after work I came home to a cold house and really wanted something to warm me up. I decided to make Shrimp & Tilapia Fra Diavlo for John and I with tilapia we had left over from this weekend. I threw in some artichoke hearts, mushrooms, dried tomatoes and put it on top of whole wheat Barilla Plus pasta, steamed fresh asparagus on the side and viola! Comfort food to warm the soul that is good for you. I just love Fra Diavlo! Even though the shrimp was a little expensive, the whole meals cost about $25, and we got 7 servings out of it!
Last night I finally download all of the Garmin software and my workout data. I haven't spent a lot of time playing with it and eventually I'd like to customize it more, but here's a few snap shots of the online training center Garmin offers. I like the calendar and being able to look at all of the workouts recorded. You can click on each day to look at the details of each workout. Well you can't, but I can.
And those are just my running workouts! I like the gratification of looking at the last month and seeing what I did. My homemade Excel training log just doesn't have that appeal. Oh sure, I could easily put all that info into Excel but my boss may notice the dip in productivity at work. This is so much easier. Who knows, if I can get the goals and activities figured out, this may replace my training spreadsheet all together! (That sound you just heard was engineers all over the world gasping in dismay) You can also add workouts manually, so I could update the calendar with all my swimming and biking workouts. Again, maybe I'll consolidate all that info someday. Right now I still record workouts with dates, distances, temp, and comments in my spreadsheet at work. Is it sad I like to start my day off with a cup of coffee and analyzing my latest training session?
Here's another Garmin feature I really like: plotting my runs to Google maps. It's like they figured out us training freaks like nothing more than to see how much ground we've covered. I suppose that is exactly the purpose of a GPS system. I'll have to see if I can dig up the Heartland map if MO still has it on his Garmin. If 12 miles looks good, 50 will be impressive!

Since I cooked dinner instead of swimming, I'm hitting the pool tomorrow morning. I've found I'm dreading late night workouts even more than early morning. I'll gladly trade an evening with the hubby for an early morning swim session.
They Finally Came!!
I took them out on their inaugural run on Friday afternoon. I only did 1.5 miles in them since I've been told it's best to get into this Tenderfoot thing slowly. Today, John and I walked about 4 miles in them as well.
First things first. They take a little work to put on and a little time to get used to. Very interesting... But the biggest thing I noticed is that they force you to have good form. You cannot heel strike. You cannot take strides that are too long. You have to pick up your feet and you have to have a quick turnover. They are warmer than I would have expected. And they're pretty fun in squishy grass and mud.
I was planning on going out easy, like 10 min miles just to get used to them. When I looked down at my watch, I realized I was running 8:30 min/mile and it didn't feel like work. My HR was lower than normal. It felt smooth. Maybe there is something to this. I didn't have any foot issues, soreness, or tenderness but I also limited my run to less than 2 miles. After our walk today, my feet do feel tired. Not sore, but I was definitely using parts of my foot that don't usually get a work out. And that is the whole idea. I'm hoping my running in the Vibrams that I will be able to strengthen my feet and prevent the P-word from returning.
My plan is to stick to roads and parks for the time being. I'm afraid I'd break a toe if I tried them in the trails. Especially since I know I have no self-restraint on downhills and that would almost guarantee broken appendages. I want to work in 1-2 barefoot runs a week and eventually work up to 4-6 miles. These runs won't really be part of my training, just additional easy runs on days I'm otherwise swimming or spinning. If I'm feeling adventurous, I may try a short race in my Vibrams and I'm kicking around the idea of doing a sprint tri barefoot at the end of the season (shoes on the bike portion, obviously). I'm always up for a challenge.
It has started
All this training means two things:
1. I need to sleep more. Last night I went to sleep a little after 9 and I slept like a rock! I'm such an old lady. I hope by going to bed at 9 once or twice a week I can hold off training-induced fatigue. It also means limiting the alcohol I drink before bed. But I've been pretty good with that since I decided to try to lose 5 lb. Ah, the sacrifices we make!
2. I'm hungry. All the time. The training munchies are back already. I've never had to deal with the hunger issue in the winter and it poses a problem. Besides the problem of always having food in my mouth when a co-worker stops by my desk during the day. If they didn't know me, they'd probably think I have some type of food addiction or oral fixation. Luckily, they've gotten used to that. The problem is usually I stock up on fresh fruits and veggies and snack on those throughout the day. But nothing is in season and fresh produce is so expensive in the winter! Right now carrots, cucumbers, apples, and clementines are staples in my lunch bag but I'm starting to get bored. I might have to start using cereal, nuts, and dried fruit to make my own snack mix. Is there some kind of healthy chocolate chip cookie recipe out there? That's what I'm really jonesing for.
One of these days I'm going to actually upload my run data from the Garmin. I want to try to program the custom workout for a brick and see how that goes. So far I love it. I haven't been paying much attention to it while running, other than to check my HR. The paces I've been running with all the slushy snow are pretty depressing when compared to where I was this fall. I've also been told my Vibram's are supposed to (finally!) arrive this week, possibly even today! If they do show up, I'm taking them out for a run this weekend! Toys and gadgets help me stay focused and motivated when the weather is crap and one workout generates enough dirty laundry for a full load. Embrace the suck. It will be April before I know it.
Now, I think I saw an M&M laying on the kitchen floor. Maybe it's still there...
Busy Week!
I put another 3000yd day in the pool this morning and I've got a 2 hour spin planned for this afternoon. The spin will be interesting since I was already exhausted from the pool. But I'm looking forward to trying out my new bike fit. If all goes well, I'll do a detailed post about my fitting. It was a great experience and probably the best $75 I've invested into this sport. Fingers crossed my tushy is as impressed as I was...
Rocky is fast approaching and NOLA is 16-17 weeks out. After Rocky, I plan on starting brick workout on the weekend and I'll keep my long runs at 12 miles or 2 hours. Still no racing plans for after NOLA. If it goes well, I may try Kansas 70.3. If I'm slower than expected, I may wait until Sept for another 70.3. Even though I'm not 28 yet, I feel like the clock is ticking. I think if I ever want to try to be really fast, this year and next year is the time to do it.
Right place at the right time
After my 90 min ride, I was a little saddle sore. This winter, it seems the more I ride, the more uncomfortable I become. I dropped my aero bars and I really like the lower riding position. I'm nowhere near as aero as the pros, but it's a more aggressive position than I had been riding. Ever since then, I have no been able to get my seat dialed in. Which is really disappointing since at the end of the season, I felt it was. So today I decided to go looking for a new saddle. I thought that maybe that will help.
I get to the Trek store and the guy helping me didn't know much about tri bikes and when I asked for a women-specific tri saddle, he gave me a blank stare. Followed by "Let me go get someone." Another guy showed up and introduced himself as Ben. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation he said he didn't actually work there. Huh? Turns out he was Ben Schlogel, local professional triathlete working out some deals since he is sponsored by Trek.
We talked for a while, and he convinced me a bike fitting would be more worthwhile than a new saddle. With a good fit, a new saddle might not be necessary. He gave me the name of his fitter and also his website. If I can go sub-5:30 and decide I want to try to qualify for Clearwater, I may look into his coaching services.
Like any tri-geek, I really enjoyed talking to Ben. (It didn't hurt that he's also easy on the eyes) He is a fire fighter in real life, so life balance is important. He also said part of the philosophy of the Endurance Management Group is no ego, no attitude. Some of the other multisport groups in the area could easily be described exactly by those words. That is just one of the reasons I have stayed away from any group training. But I'm starting to realize that if I really want to become fast, I may have to find a group and coach. So far, from talking with Ben and looking at their website, Endurance Management Group seems like it'd be a good fit for me. At least if NOLA goes well, I now have a good place to turn.
Winter Weight
With that much weight, the powdery snow on the trail, and the restricted of movement that many clothes can cause, I felt like I was working three times as hard as I should have! I think the 4 mile jaunt was closer to resistance training than speedwork. While it's great for getting the HR up and burning some calories, there is no realistic expectation of improving speed under conditions like these.
It got me to thinking. If the extra weight of winter clothing (and effort to move because of the weight) was that noticeable, wouldn't 5 extra pounds of body weight be similar? The weight difference between an aluminum frame bike and a carbon bike is about that much, too. Since I have declared 2010 my year to go faster, I am going to make an honest effort to lose those pesky "last five pounds" that have been hanging on. If I can run even 5 sec/mile faster or ride 0.5 mph faster, it will definitely be worth it. That means I need to watch sweets and splurges, and eat more vegetables. KM has a similar goal, so we're going to use each other as motivation. When it is finally warm enough to go frolick through the woods in nothing but a sports bra and running skirt, it will feel like flying!
What will 2010 bring? New goodies!
I picked up a Japanese Juniper bonsai, which is completely unrelated. I killed my last one in about 8 months and hadn't replaced it. I will not kill my bonsai. I will not kill my bonsai. I will not kill my bonsai. Back to the point.
I made several phone calls to find out if anyone in town had the Garmin 310XT (with HR monitor) in stock. There are only 2 stores that carry it, the Trek Bicycle Store, and Gary Gribbles. I found one at GG in Independence and had it transferred to the store in KC. Sweet! I have been drooling over these for months now and just never bought one. I borrowed MO's for Heartland, so I've already had the chance to play around with it. I'm really excited to be able to do mile intervals on my own and have better numbers as far as actual mileage instead of guesstimating based on pace. I am horrible at estimating my pace. I already put my information in and linked up the HR monitor. This afternoon I'm doing my first run outside with it.
I also bought a second running hat since mine seems to be dirty most of the time and regular stocking hats make my head itch. In pink, no less. How girly of me.
My last purchase wasn't planned. I'm even a little ashamed to admit that I bought it. I just don't know what came over me. I was minding my own business, perusing the sale rack in the running store, when BAM! It jumped into my hands and said "Take me home Sam!" I had no choice.
I swore, I swore I would never, EVER run in a running skirt. And what did I buy today - a running skirt. A very cute, very short running skirt. Before you even ask, no, it is not pink. But it does have a zipper pocket that is big enough for my car key and 1 or 2 GU. I'm going to blame the incredibly cold weather and clearance rack sales on this purchase. Why else would I daydream about running around in a short skirt?? Too bad it will be months before I can wear it.