
Christmas Goodies!

I had an excellent Christmas! Among other things, I received a new gym bag (with an odor-proof shoe pouch), a pull-buoy, swim fins, a new swim gear bag, and an assortment of workout clothes. I'm hoping to get to the Master's swim sometime this week to use my new toys. I know my family doesn't thing workout stuff makes good Christmas presents, but I was thrilled.

As much as I love travelling to see family, I am always happy to be home again. I didn't get much running in, due to temps in the negative teens, snow (measured in feet, not inches) and freezing rain. I don't like running on the road when conditions are slippery and visibility is low. I don't care about falling so much as getting hit by a vehicle. I did attempt a run at my parents' Christmas tree farm, but the 15 inches of snow on the ground and drifts up to my waist made it difficult. Snow shoes would have worked better. But I did burn 315 calories in 1 mile. That's impressive.

I also like being home because it seems there is a shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables where my family is. Other than some veggies and dip on Christmas Eve, I didn't see much of anything green, unless you count the green frosting on the thumbprint cookies. My family lives on ground beef, and not the 95% lean kind. It was very clear that my body is not used to a diet that high in fat. I will probably be starving all week. I haven't gotten on the scale to see what the damage is yet, but when I bought some dress pants on Saturday, they were a size 6 so I don't think I did too bad. It's always fun shopping when you get to go down a size.

Now that I'm back home with my grocery store, a gym, a trainer in the garage, and milder temps, I have no excuses. With my first ultra right around the corner, it is safe to say I am motivated by fear. But in a good way.

I'm looking forward to running after work today. My back is sore from all the driving, my hamstrings are really tight and I think a slow jog is just what I need. I'm planning on 4 miles for sure, 8 if I'm feeling OK. I fell on the stairs last night, so I'm hoping my knee is OK as well. I hit the stairs hard enough that I cracked the grout between steps. I have so many bruises from the fall, I kinda feel like I was beaten with a stick last night. But I didn't drop the bonsai that I was carrying, and that is important. I'll have to post a picture of my newest hobby.

I'd better finish my lunch of carrots, a clementine, yogurt and bran, and an apple. See a theme here?

1 comment:

Sam said...

Welcome Home! Sounds like Santa was good to you!!
I agree..its always nice to travel/visit others but nothing is as comfortable as home!!
Hope your run was enjoyable AND can you believe it.....only 165 more days till BOISE!! YIKES!!!