
Just in Time for the Holidays

I love the holidays and I love my family, I really do. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks all of the "together-time" can be a little overwhelming. Drinking a lot, eating more, and spending 18+ hours in the car is a lot to handle over a 5 day weekend. And that isn't even including the family part! The good news is that running shoes and clothes don't take up much room and I'm finally up to 60 full minutes of running at a time. I will maintain my sanity this holiday season. I will maintain my sanity this holiday season. I will maintain my sanity this holiday season.

This week, I ran 18 miles. Not too bad! I can tell when I don't stretch. That seems to make all the difference. I just need to keep doing yoga and listening to my feet/legs/back. Today I ran 7 miles in 60 minutes with MO and it was awesome. Other than I feel like I'm really out of running shape, it felt so good to move my legs again! I couldn't have kept that pace up for much longer, but man, it was a damn near perfect run. KM and I are going to be resuming our weekly run/rant after Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll be back in good shape sooner than I had hoped.

So enjoy your holiday! And if your family is like mine, don't forget to take your running shoes. :)

1 comment:

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^